A slurry injector is a machine that forces wastewater, generally consisting of sewage, into larger pipes than those used to transport water. This larger pipe is then laid beneath the ground and left to fill in with dirt as it does its job. Injecting slurry requires a huge amount of equipment. Among the various pieces of equipment needed are an excavating machine, pump, large drum, suction tube, pressure tank, and many more. The large drum or pump is the biggest piece of equipment required because it is designed to force large volumes of slurry into a smaller pipeline.
A disc slurry injector is used in areas where it is possible to not dig into the ground, such as in private residences. It can also be used in demolition sites. In this case, a very large drum or pump is used to inject the slurry into the ground, where it will settle and compact. The depth below the earth’s surface where this type of injection takes place is called the “well” depth.
The purpose of a slurry injector, then, is to deposit manure, oils and other hazardous wastes in a shallow permeable layer of the soil. This is done through the application of high-pressure pressurized fluid into the injection area, which forces the slurry and other materials to the surface of the earth. As the materials are pumped out, they fill up smaller ditches or streams. This process draws the soil and other material into the machine. It pushes the soil into the injector nozzle and forces the waste materials down into the well. This is a simple system that works when there is plenty of groundwater to move the slurry into the injection well.
Many different types of self-propelled injection systems have been developed over the years. The most common types of these are screw self-propelled and gravity fed. A screw self-propelled system uses a threaded screw as its internal conveyor and gravity feed system. Gravity feeding allows the materials to be drawn down deeper into the soil because gravity forces everything to settle to the bottom.

Self-propelled systems that use gravity as a method of pumping tend to be more effective with larger areas. However, they are less effective in narrow areas and with soil that is hard and compacted. These are best suited for applications where the slurry density is low; for instance, on a farm where there are several acres of farmland spread out over a large area. The screw pump is one example of a gravity-fed system. It can pump large amounts of slurry, but because the pump is so big, it cannot work in small places like fenced-in properties. On the other hand, a tine conveyor may be used with a wide distribution hose to reach out to difficult to access places.
The effectiveness of these systems lies in the design of the unit and also in the size of the unit. It should be able to handle large volumes of the slurry without any noticeable loss in the quality or quantity of the slurry. Also, the injector must be designed to provide good flow rate efficiency. Good flow rate efficiency means that the amount of slurry injected per minute is equivalent to the amount of manure application rate injected per second.
To determine the efficiency of the slurry pump in terms of manure application rates and working widths, it is important to understand the nature of the slurry to be injected. In many situations, water or other medium is not required to be injected directly into the soil. For instance, in a permeable soil layer, a high-pressure stream of water can be used as an in-fill for wells. Also, in some situations, low-water may be more suitable. These include areas such as river beds, ditch sides, and rice paddies, where surface drainage will normally suffice.
One of the requirements for a well-functioning drainage system is the ability to get water from the deeper layers of the soil. In such cases, a submersible injector is most suitable. There are two types of submersible injectors: those that are using to just inject water, and those that can perform dual tasks. For instance, there are wide distribution tines that are commonly used in the agricultural industry. They are designed to inject water and soil at similar rates. They are often coupled with either a submersible pumping station or a slurry spreading drum to increase their efficiency.